CALL 931-379-2918


South Central Tennessee Development District


Brownfield Redevelopment Area Grant Consultant

The South Central Tennessee Development District (SCTDD), in cooperation with the listed counties Bedford, Coffee, Giles, Hickman, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Marshall, Maury, Moore, and Wayne requests statements of qualifications from consulting firms for the creation of an inventory of brownfield properties both listed and not previously identified by Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, in addition to a summary of findings and recommendations for each of those properties.

Please see Attachment: Findings and Recommendations Brownfield Redevelopment Area Grant (BRAG) Property Identification Report, which is part of the SCTDD contract with Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). This report outlines the environmental consultant’s task to perform a site inventory once the RFQ is awarded.

SCTDD is utilizing BRAG funding to develop or update an inventory of previously unidentified brownfield sites within the designated community or redevelopment area. Consulting firms will be evaluated based on the following criteria, with each category weighted equally at 25%:

  1. Past work performance (25%) This includes the quality of work, timeliness, and cost control demonstrated in previous projects.
  2. Capacity of the firm (25%) The ability of the firm to perform the work within the required time frame, with a project deadline of 07/31/25.
  3. Familiarity with issues relevant to the project (25%) The firm’s understanding of the specific issues associated with brownfield redevelopment and the challenges this project may present.
  4. Specialized experience or technical expertise (25%) The firm’s relevant experience and technical expertise related to brownfield redevelopment or similar projects.

We invite qualified firms to submit their proposals by February 18, 2025 to Lisa Cross, RPO/Infrastructure Director


Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Download BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AREA GRANT Property Identification Report
Download South Central Tennessee Development District (SCTDD) – RFQ

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South Central Tennessee Development
101 Sam Watkins Blvd.
Mount Pleasant, TN 38474
Office (931) 379-2918
Fax (931) 379-2640

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